Saturday, December 26, 2020

Another Christmas Song - lyrics


Another Christmas Song

There's a foot of freshly fallen snow,

if this were a school day,

there'd be cancellations on the radio

It's still dark out,

but I've already had three cups of coffee;

I'm wired as I go out for a run

In the tracks of a pick-up truck,

on a favorite county road;

it's dark out, but the sun will soon be up

It's rays reflecting off a barren field;

a cardinal sings along the way;

it's as if creation must proclaim...

It's Christmas Day, let the earth rejoice,

it's Christmas Day, give your joy a voice

it's Christmas Day, silence the noise,

from a world that cannot comprehend

the joy and peace the Lord would bring

into our hearts through Christmas Day.

I get back and home and shower,

and I find the easy chair,

as the smell of breakfast permeates the room

The kids are playing, passing time,

anxiously awaiting, to open gifts

and hear the Christmas tale

Of the reason why we celebrate

a little town called Bethlehem,

and hear of angels singing in the fields,

and shepherds who abandon flocks

and wise men would have traveled far,

to lay their costly gifts before a child...

It's Christmas Day...

Noel, Noel

O Little Child of Bethlehem,

Hark the Herald Angels Sing

O Come Ye Faithful,

let the earth receive her king...

It's Christmas Day...

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